كـتـاب ألموقع

قصيدة باللغة الانكليزية// ماجد ابراهيم بطرس ككي

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الموقع الفرعي للكاتب

قصيدة باللغة الانكليزية

ماجد ابراهيم بطرس ككي



It happen to us there

Under the sun

In front of the all

it is all done

Yes, it is done

We lost everything there

Our homes, churches and jobs

So everything is gone

This happen very quickly

This is true and seriously

It is not a lie or a fun

So to save their lives

Everyone has to run

Yes, as fast as they can

They have just to run

Father, mother and the son

Old, young, woman and child

Bishop, priest and the nun

To avoid shooting by the gun

It was very heavy for the all

It was heavier than a ton

It is all done

Under the sun

In front of the

Blind, deaf and dumb world

Who proclaim human rights?

Freedom and dignity

Shame on whole free world

This happen to innocent people

No one of you try to help them

In returning to their own homeland

Shame and shame on you

Whole free world



Majid Gaggi